Home listening task unit 5 Personality and its Manifestations

Summary podcast 1

Lulu Garcia begins the theme saying that we have already been in quarantine for half a year inside our homes, she mentions several people who identify themselves as extroverts.

In general, the whole podcast talks about how people who were extroverted got through the confinement, what their behaviours were and what they did in their free time, although people who were introverted also participate.

Quarantine and Coronavirus: A How-To Guide - The New York Times

Summary podcast 2

The main topic of the podcast is a bit mystical I would say, as it talks about children born in the year of the dragon (in the Chinese zoodiac), it is said that these children will have great lives with respect to their studies and their luck in life.

Throughout the podcast we talk about Han yu a student who was born in the year of the dragon, telling about his achievements and goals that he has met even at his young age. Well, at the end of the podcast we conclude that all this is a matter of faith, because according to studies and statistics, they do not reflect that children born in the year of the dragon were not more intelligent than others, but everything depends on the people who believe in these things, as the parents of Han yu who believed that their son still had a great way ahead.

Chinese zodiac 2020: All you need to know about the Year of the Rat | South China Morning Post

(We are in the year of the rat)

Summary podcast 3

This podcast has optimism as its main theme, it talks about a fairly large group whose main objective is to be optimistic but they also talk about how the leader or someone important in this group sometimes feels hopeless or tired of always being positive. So it can be said that even the most optimistic can lower their spirits, that no person can keep an image for so long, since we are all human.

How to Be Optimistic (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Personal comment (podcast 2)

Podcast number 2 talks about how according to Chinese culture children born in the year of the dragon will have better lives than others, well personally I consider myself a skeptic to this kind of thinking, I respect people who believe in something but I personally don’t have a figure to believe in, but I think this topic may be true in a certain sense, since this belief of the dragon children is highly based on the faith that the child has and how social and family pressure affects the child making the child work harder in their studies. So I believe that anyone can trust themselves and believe (in a sense), a child born in the year of the dragon in order to gain confidence to face what is coming.
I think it’s a good technique when you are studying and moving forward. (154 words)

iman ð“…° ajin ch83.5 on Twitter: "yknow id say this rlly is the main message of mp100,, from "if everyone is not special maybe u can be who u want to be"

This link talk about optimism 😉




2 thoughts on “Home listening task unit 5 Personality and its Manifestations

  1. Hello Alvaro!
    I liked your writing style, and the pictures where amazing, the kept me reading.
    The summaries where well achieved, good grammar.
    The only suggestion that I would made is that when you are doing a summary it does not seem suitable to start with the word “Well”, but apart from that everything is good.
    Great job!

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