“Home recording Unit 1: picture description CAE style part 2”
My goals, challenges and expectation for Language 7
Wow, there is less and less time left to finish and I am getting more and more nervous, since this semester will be face-to-face and that scares me a little, not only because of the increasing difficulty but also because of the amount of work and projects that are coming.
If I’m honest I feel that I still need to improve my language, many people tell me that I’m doing well, but I don’t know if it’s because of my low self-esteem or what but I always feel that it’s very bad, I just hope that this semester I improve a lot in all aspects, I expect the help of all my teachers and classmates and obviously my own efforts.
Talking about this semester, if everything goes well, it will be my last course with respect to the language, so my main objective is to improve in this one since, with respect to the internship and the thesis, I have the support of several people who will help me in one way or another to motivate me and fulfill all the expectations that I have. Obviously, I should not relax at all about this because all this will help me to fulfill my own expectations both inside and outside the university when I become a teacher if everything goes well.
Finally, I want to communicate to all of you who read this post that I appreciate you very much because during all this period in which I have been studying I have been full of accomplishments, and thanks to my classmates and professors I have been able to get ahead and I hope to count with all your support again, thank you very much for reading this.
Podcast: Episode 2
My language self-assesment 5
And we are back with another end of semester.
This semester I felt good and bad at the same time, I felt that it went very fast but at the same time I felt that I was overwhelmed more than I needed, I really liked this semester because I started with the practices in the school, I must admit that it was very hard to adapt to them, because I felt very nervous, not to mention that there were some problems with the school where I am doing the practices, but everything was solved in a few weeks. I feel that I have given a good level in the field of being a teacher, both in terms of creating material and presenting it to the students.
The reason I felt this semester was stressful was because I didn’t have many free moments where I didn’t have something to do, there was literally always something to do, both for the university and for the practical at school. Even so, I feel privileged because I have 3 classes in my charge at the school, and there were no problems with them.
Regarding my goals, there is not much to say, I tried to do my best to attend classes and pay attention, I did my work on time and I handed in everything except for some small things, in general I think I am doing well.
I have to improve in everything to avoid having problems in the future, that’s the only thing I can say because there are parts in English that I still make mistakes or fail, and I have to remedy it (I hope my teachers will help me with that).
In summary, this semester was ok, neither good nor bad, the only thing I would like to point out is that I really wanted to die (in a rhetorical sense) because I was very stressed and I barely had time for myself, between the practices, the university, personal problems, etc.
I still have the idea and the fear of failing English, because as I mentioned last semester, I can’t afford to fail another semester in English because of my brother who will be going to university next year, so I have to try to get out of university as soon as possible to be able to help my mom pay for everything.
I hope I can keep going and that the pandemic will end soon.
Bye- Bye
Podcast Technology- Episode 1
Home listening task unit 5
Summary: The video begins by talking mainly about the use of technology, using the example of the Apollo 11 moon landing. It explains what technology was like in those years and the potential of human beings to be able to achieve such complex objectives up to the present day. Another important point of the video is when they mention how in today’s society there are times when we can’t solve problems with technological things, because the political system fails and forces people to develop them themselves.
Also the video explains that not all problems are due to the lack of technology but rather it is society that is the problem, as society always tries to make technology solve everything, so they expect people to have to work without much technological help so that they don’t get used to it.
Critical Thinking Comment: First of all, technology is a word that covers a huge amount of information, so it is a very big topic. The great majority of people in the world use technology, in one way or another technology is there, helping people in one way or another, personally I find it impressive the use of these in some places, I have seen documentaries of people in africa, in tribes using mobile phones to be able to communicate with designated places to be able to charge their devices. I consider myself a pro-technology, because I like to know that society is advancing more and more, I like to know how far the human being will go and personally I would like to be there to witness the best technological achievements. Just as I saw a little of the implementation of the internet in chile (or at least here in salamanca), I would like to see what the human being is capable of without leaving aside the manual work that we must all do in order not to be totally dependent on technology. (180 words)