Audio upload 7 “The flatmates” Episode 61: Michal will book a ticket AND talk to Helen

Track number 1:

Catalina as Helen.

Álvaro as Michal.

Track number 2:

Catalina as Michal.

Álvaro as Helen.

Episode 61: A difficult conversation
Helen: Hi Michal, what are you doing on the computer? Let’s see. One ticket to Poland! Michal, what’s going on?
Michal: Helen, we have to talk about everything! We need to talk about love, commitment, family and about dads.
Helen: Dad? What did he say to you in the garden? You’ve been acting all funny since we got back from that visit.
Michal: No, Helen not your dad, my dad. He’s had a heart attack.
Helen: Oh, that’s awful. So that’s why you are flying over to visit him. How long are you going for?
Michal: Helen, it’s a one-way ticket I’ve booked; I’m going back to Poland for good.

3 thoughts on “Audio upload 7 “The flatmates” Episode 61: Michal will book a ticket AND talk to Helen

  1. In the first part, Alvaro you need to improve in your pronunciation. Catalina very good pronuntiation but a little bit fast.
    The second part, Alvaro you can improve your pronuntiation.
    Catalina more articulation and more slow, you are going too fast.

  2. good job, very good fluency. for the next audio you should speak louder, a single detail in pronunciation with the word visit, but everything else is very good.

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