Ok the same dynamic of each semester, and like all the other semesters I don’t know how to start it.
I think I’ll start with my opinion about this semester, in general I felt that this semester was very fast, I literally feel that a couple of weeks ago we were doing the first papers and exams, but I don’t think it was because we were having fun, more because this semester there were more papers and presentations than written exams (I don’t have any problem with that). But I think it was a good decision, because it must be difficult for teachers to inform a group of students as they are this semester, because not many were connected to classes (I try to connect every day and they are always the same) so in general it’ s fine.
Regarding my goals, not much to say in general I think I did well, I tried to pay attention in class, I attended most of them, I did my work on time, but there was only one problem that ruined my experience and that was my midterm grade this semester, especially my speaking grade which I remember I got a 2.5 final grade, I’m not ashamed or afraid to say it because it was my mistake and the first thing you always do is to accept the mistakes, the problem was the following, for that oral test I felt confident, I practiced several times before the test, my problem was that the day of the test the stars aligned and everything happened to me.
first, that day I had a big headache (so much so that I was taking medication and it went away after 2 days)
Secondly, I died of nervousness, this was because I was not practicing my English with anyone for a long time and also my partner was Gustavo Flaño (who I consider my friend) but he has a great level in English and I felt diminished.
Thirdly, the topics I was asked during the test I didn’t know very well.
All those factors together created the worst day of the year with no doubts. and I’m afraid I’ll repeat this year for the same reason, so please if a teacher is reading this I hope they will have patience or something and help me, as I feel that I really tried hard this semester and I can’t afford to fail another year.
I hope I can keep going and that the pandemic will soon be over.