Audio upload 15 “The flatmates”: Episode 143

Track number 1:

Catalina as Alice.

Álvaro as Paul.

Track number 2:

Catalina as Paul.

Álvaro as Alice.

Episode 143: Marriage vows
Paul: So, how are you?
Alice: Not great. I’ve been thinking about us a lot. And you know what?
Paul: What?
Alice: I think Lucy’s right. If there’s any way you two can save your marriage, you’ve got to give it a go.
Paul: I know that’s the right thing to do but a part of me just wants to say “No!” She was the one who left me!
Alice: I know but vows are vows.
Paul: Can we still be friends?
Alice: No. I don’t think so Paul.
Paul: We’re both adults. Surely we can break up and still be friends.
Alice: I’ve got enough friends. I was looking for something else with you. And if I can’t have that, well, I just don’t think I can see you anymore. Goodbye Dr Laver.
Paul: But Alice don’t be a child.
Alice: I said goodbye Paul, leave me alone.
Paul: I love you and won’t give up.
Alice: Are you sure about that?
Paul: Of course!

My Goals and Challenges for Language 3

Hello again, this year began too hard for everyone, The covid-19 has left a mark now in this year 2020, leaving us all in quarantine, so we are currently all attending classes exclusively online on the blackboard platform, I will not say if I like it or not but it is the only thing we have…

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To begin I’d like to make clear some of the challenges or goals that I have proposed, this semester I going to make more notes, the last year I had a little problem with respect of this and occasionally I got lost in classes, this semester I will go improve this. I think that’s my goal in particular.

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